The title of this work is inspired by the nostalgic act of playing dress-up as a child, where one had a creative and liberated relationship with clothing. One category of clothing often used when playing dress-up is evening wear, which means garments that are usually only worn once and then left behind in the back of the closet. When playing dress up as a child, a garment is not seen as a garment with a purpose, it is seen as a wearable toy that provides numerous purposes by wearing it on a different body part or by altering the garment into something imaginative by playing with it on the body.
The area of transformable fashion is a sustainable solution to the fast fashion industry, providing two or more styles to wear the garments, thus making them highly valued. By playing dress-up and sketching with garments by viewing and wearing them differently, thereby adding play to the act of wearing the garment, a new type of transformable garment is proposed by remaking old evening garments and changing their purpose. Resulting in a sustainable, highly valued garment with optional styles to wear that can help with the daily stress of dressing by making the act playful and fun again.
Photo: Daniela Ferro
E-mail: elinwestling@hotmail.com
Instagram: @elin.we