The title of this work origins from the muse created to give the thought of equal value in discarded material a persona. This crazy-cat-lady-like muse that compulsively hoards and stacks every possible item in her house and values her low-status-material single-use-waste-collection equally to her high-status-material jewellery box.
This understanding that every material has some sort of value that one can enhance and add to through re-contextualization, repeats or manipulation is key within this work. This collection will therefore present you with design-examples generated by an upcycling-design-tool, the method-cards, where materials such as waste garments or non textile-objects are re-contextualized together into new wearable hybrids.
These resulting hybrids are proposing a suggestion on how sustainable material sourcing in our post-consumer-waste-streams can generate new expressions in dress. All individual examples combined together in a five-looks-collection. Every example is responsible for adding value by upcycling and re-designing discarded post-consumer material and items and therefore reducing the need for virgin produced goods in fashion design. The hybrids generated will also aim to lift a serious cause with a touch of humor and therefore make the subject of overconsumption more reachable.
Photos: Daniela Ferro
E-mail: hanna.ryd@hotmail.com
Instagram: @_hlryd_