An investigation in the handicraft of knitting and crochet with diagonal construction.
In this project a collection of clothing, based on the handicraft of knitting and crocheting has been developed. This work has a slow process of making, to take advantage of making items, carefully and with your hands. Today the fashion industry produces cheap low quality disposable clothing with industrial machines, fast fashion. This leads to lost value of the garments. The opposite to fast fashion is slow fashion which aims for long-lasting, locally manufactured clothing, primarily made from sustainably sourced fair-trade fabrics.
The aim in this project is to raise awareness to slow fashion by working with the handicraft of knitting and crochet. This is done through making knitwear by using diagonal lines around the women's body, in order to find a different way than the traditional flat pattern construction, as a suggestion that it fits the knitted fabric and the women's body better. Design decisions were made by looking at renaissance fashion and paintings. To push the expression in knitwear and show the potential in the craft and to get a maximalist expression in knitwear.
Photos: Daniela Ferro