Hourly Employment and External Contractors
The university uses digital processes to manage payroll. To ensure salary payments, a digital form is required as a basis. This form must be digitally signed (attested) and sent via email to hr@hb.se.
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Jump to main contentHere is information for those who hire hourly employees and contractors.
The university uses digital processes to manage payroll. To ensure salary payments, a digital form is required as a basis. This form must be digitally signed (attested) and sent via email to hr@hb.se.
Employees who do not have a monthly employment contract are compensated per hour. Such employment is subject to the rules of the Employment Protection Act (LAS). The regulations for hourly employment are governed by the Framework Agreement on Intermittent Employment, which is accessible to managers.
For payment of completed work, the form "Timersättning/arvode" must be filled out.
Processing is done digitally according to the instructions on the form.
Certain compensation levels are specified in the local conditions agreement.
External contractors, such as opponents, board members, experts (not recruitment), who are compensated with a fixed amount paid as salary, must fill out the form "Timersättning/arvode".
Processing is done digitally according to the instructions on the form.
Certain compensation levels are specified in the local conditions agreement.
If compensation is made via invoice, there are specific regulations regarding this.
In addition to the regulations that apply to hourly employment or the hiring of external contractors, special processing is required if the person concerned resides abroad.
Read more in the document Guidance when hiring employees residing abroad (pdf)
Administrative procedure for applying for special income tax, etc. (pdf)
In the forms archive you find forms available to the employees at the University of Borås.