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Industrial Graduate School in Digital Retailing (INSiDR)

Swedish companies in the retail industry require knowledge and competences that will enhance their competitiveness in a market where digitalization has a profound impact. Co-funded by the Knowledge Foundation, The Industrial Graduate School in Digital Retailing is a collaboration between the University of Borås, Jönköping University and the University of Skövde. The main focus of the research at the school is consumer insight in digital retailing.


Last updated: 2021-03-11

Emergency Medical Services physicians’ perceptions of ambulance nurses’ responsibility for referring patients to primary care and self-care - a Swedish national survey

Based on guidelines developed by EMS physicians, registered nurses in the Swedish ambulance services sometimes by-pass the emergency department and refer non-urgent patients to primary care and self-care. However, these referrals are associated with problems that may jeopardize patient safety and patient participation.


Last updated: 2020-05-20