Research seminar on circular consumption and digital platforms

Warm welcome to a research seminar on the topic of circular consumption and digital platforms with Professor Christian Fuentes. The seminar is aimed at all researchers at the university and will be held in either Swedish or English, depending on preference. For questions, contact Niklas Sörum.

Enacting circularity in everyday life: The role of digital platforms for circular consumption

While the vital role of consumers in the circular economy has been recognized in policy documents and research agendas, relatively few studies have delved into the question of how circularity is performed by consumers in practice. In this seminar, Christian Fuentes will present ongoing work on circular consumption with a particular focus on the role of digital platforms in making circularity possible in everyday life.
Christian Fuentes is a Professor of Marketing and Consumption at the Department of Service Studies, at Lund University. He is the coordinator for the research group Consumption, Marketing and Retail. His research covers a broad range of topics such as plant-based consumption, the digitalization of consumption, digital platforms and sustainable consumption, and circular consumption.
Read more about Christian Fuentes 
Read more about the research groups Consumption, Marketing and Retail