The SSLIS seminar | National Collection Analysis Based on Metadata in Libris: What Can We Learn About Library Collections?

Welcome to this seminar where Karin Byström, Uppsala University Library, Annalena Cronemo, Vitterhetsakademien´s library, Anna Isaksson, Gothenburg University Library, Ylva Sommerland, National Library of Sweden, and Anna Thordstein SMTM library will present there ongoing project. 

Description: Studies show that a lot of printed material is being weeded out from libraries and that the important research infrastructure in the form of printed material is weakening rapidly in Sweden. Another weakness in the infrastructure is that so much is invisible in Libris. A survey shows that there may be as many as four million items that are not visible in Libris. University libraries, government libraries, and special libraries have now agreed to take national responsibility for securing our shared history in text form and are working to develop a collaborative model for the preservation and weeding of printed material. As part of the work, an analysis of the national collection has been carried out using metadata in Libris. The results show interesting details about library collections, cataloging practices, differences between types of libraries, and the distribution of material in different subjects. It also shows the number of unique titles and titles with few copies. At the seminar, the results of the collection analysis will be presented, as well as the methodological and metadata problems we have encountered. We will also discuss how metadata from Libris could be used for further research on library collections and activities.

You can read more about the project on the National Library of Sweden´s website:

Language: Swedish (It’s okay to ask questions in English)

Chair: Ola Pilerot
