Report completed on education quality assurance work

“The development of our quality assurance systems, in this case in relation to education, is a continuous process that is of great importance to the university. The report submitted is a description of the developments that have taken place and are still ongoing since we received the UKÄ’s evaluation of our system in 2019, in which we received the rating ‘approved with reservations.’ The developments that have occurred are based largely on the proposals for changes we received from UKÄ, and we hope that the rating will be changed to 'approved.’ Regardless of UKÄ's decision, we will continue to develop our quality assurance systems,” said Kim Bolton.

The University of Borås has implemented a series of improvement measures aimed at improving education quality assurance work. Much of it has its focus on making things more clear, following up, and ensuring that the results generated by the quality assurance system develop the university’s educational programmes in a systematic way.

Examples of concrete measures include developing clearer procedures for course and programme evaluations; developing guidelines for linking research and education; an updated communications policy; developed activity dialogues between the Vice-Chancellor and the Faculties; that the boards have taken the initiative to follow up more clearly on already established educational programmes; and the creation of a model for continuous follow-up of the university’s quality assurance system for education. 

What scenarios can we expect on the part of UKÄ?

“The best-case scenario is that they read the report, are satisfied with the improvements made, and thus give an ‘approved’ rating to our education quality assurance system. On the other hand, if they have any hesitation in relation to any of the six assessment grounds on which we are being re-evaluated, they will arrange interviews to answer any questions they may have,” said Anders Nylund, Administrative Office for the quality assurance work.  

How will quality assurance work be conducted moving forward?

“We will now move forward with following up on the actions that have been implemented and ensuring that they become a natural and integral part of continuous quality assurance work,” he said.

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Six areas of assessment are included in the review:
• Governance and organisation
• Conditions
• Design, implementation, and results
• Equality
• Student and doctoral student perspectives
• Working life and external engagement

The review should be completed before the summer.