Rise and shine with the library – short presentations for researchers and doctoral students

During the autumn there is an opportunity to start one day of the week with a presentation from the library. “Rise and shine” is the name of a new series of presentations for researchers and doctoral students given by the library. The presentations are 20 minutes long, always starting at 08:15, and always held in Zoom. However, the day of the week the presentation is held varies.

There will be eleven different presentations, most offered on two different occasions. The presentations cover various topics, such as managing research data, EndNote, licences and costs when publishing an article.

Hopefully, it will be both possible and inspiring to use 20 minutes at the start of your working day to get a brief introduction to a topic with relevance to your research process.

Book a presentation

The program for all the different presentations during the autumn is available on the library’s webpage. However, if you are interested in a presentation, but you cannot join at the time it is given, please contact the library. We are happy to book a separate appointment with you or your research group/institution/faculty.

If you have suggestions of topics that you would like the library to focus on in future presentations, please do not hesitate to send your suggestions to us.

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