WE-TEAM students started their 3rd semester at University of Borås

WE-TEAM students were very excited to meet Prof. Atushi Sakuma as he is the first on-campus lecturer for their 3rd semester study at UB. WE-TEAM is an unique international master's program in textile technology where UB hosts the 3rd semester of the studies.
Prof. Sakuma is the Chair of the Department of Advanced Fibro-Science at the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan. He is also the leader of the "Softness Design Lab" at KIT. Prof. Sakuma has made significant contributions in the field of physiological comfort, thermal comfort, sensorial comfort, and ergonomic comfort along with different methods of measuring comfort in humans including computation and modelling techniques.
During his visit, Prof. Sakum met with Anders Persson (Deputy head of the Department of Textile Technology, UB), Nawar Kadi (Professor, Department of Textile Technology), Mohammad Neaz Morshed (Program coordinator of WE-TEAM at UB), to discuss the current collaboration between KIT and UB and future prospects. Prof. Sakuma also engaged in discussions with several lecturers, researchers and PhD students.
Annika Engström
Mohammad Neaz Morshed