Changes to Overdue Fines

Starting January 7, late fees will only apply to overdue books that are also reserved by another borrower. In other words, if a book is reserved by someone else, the borrower will incur a late fee of 10 SEK per day a book is overdue. If the book is not reserved, no late fines will be charged for overdue loans.
Regardless of whether a book is reserved, the library will continue to send email reminders when a book is overdue and must be returned.
Books Overdue by Two Weeks Are Considered Lost
If a book is not returned to the library within two weeks of the due date, it will be marked as "lost" in the system, and a process to invoice the borrower will begin. This applies to all overdue books, whether they are reserved or not.
Once a book is marked as lost, two types of costs will be incurred
- Replacement cost for the book
- Administrative cost for handling and invoicing related to the lost book
If the book is returned after being marked as lost, the replacement cost will be waived (as the book does not need to be replaced). However, the administrative cost must still be paid. This cost is now increasing from 50 SEK to 100 SEK per book.
Maximum Loan Period Extended
All library books have a maximum loan period, which is the longest time a book can be borrowed before the library requires it to be returned (even if it is not reserved by another borrower). Previously, the maximum loan period for course literature was four months. Starting January 7, the maximum loan period for course literature will be extended to one year. This aligns the maximum loan period for course literature with that of other library materials.
Automatic Renewals
As before, books borrowed from the library will be automatically renewed if possible. The system will automatically renew the loan when the due date approaches. If renewal is no longer possible, an email will be sent to inform the borrower that it is time to return the book.
If you have any questions about the library's loan rules or the changes being implemented, please contact us at
Further reading
Information about borrowing, loan periods and overdue fines at the library
Katharina Nordling
Suss Wilén