MuseIT enters its final stretch – inclusion and culture for all

The University of Borås is one of the leading institutions in research on inclusion in Europe. Nasrin Olson, Associate Professor at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science and project leader for MuseIT, spoke about the project’s results and the upcoming activities to disseminate them.
“This project has developed various technical solutions to facilitate broader participation in cultural experiences. It also highlights shortcomings in policies at the EU level and makes recommendations for changes to address these shortcomings. Various aspects of policies deal with technology and accessibility; that technology should be accessible to all is often overlooked,” she explained.
The focus of the project has been on making cultural experiences accessible to everyone regardless of ability. In order to demonstrate, test, and validate the technologies developed in the project, two different pilot projects are being carried out. The first pilot project demonstrates and tests a variety of technical solutions developed within the project.
“It demonstrates multi-sensory representations of cultural assets so that everyone can access and enjoy culture according to their personal needs and preferences. For example, a painting can be interpreted through music or haptic sensation and be described through voice, haptic sign language, text, or Braille – either in its entirety or focusing on its mood, colours, content, or other details,” explained Nasrine Olson.
The second pilot project focuses on a platform for music co-creation at a distance. This is technically challenging due to delays in audio transmission, but MuseIT has developed a technology that addresses this problem and enables real-time music co-creation over long distances.
Broadening access and participation
“We are developing technology and methodology to broaden access to, and participation in, cultural assets for all, regardless of disability. When we produce multidimensional information, this is not only interesting for those with disabilities, but also for everyone, for example, in a painting in which rain, music, haptic sensations, or other sensory impressions can enhance the experience of the rain,” she said.
“Making culture and shared assets accessible to all, regardless of disability, is not just a question of rights. It is also an essential part of creating a diverse and inclusive society. But MuseIT also opens up new forms of cultural experiences of museums, for example, for everyone, regardless of disabilities,” concluded Nasrine Olson.
MuseIT events
Up until September, MuseIT will be presented in various international and national contexts.
On 18 February, the European Commission will host a mental health event where policy makers will discuss the impact of participation in arts and culture on well-being and mental health. Nasrine Olson will represent MuseIT.
On 24 February, a digital international seminar will be hosted by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
On 13-15 May, MuseIT will be presented in Rome, Italy, with one day being open to the public on 14 May (Pilot 1), where the public can try out the technical tools developed in the project as well as listen to speeches and discussions about policies.
In June, Pilot 2, which focuses on co-creating music remotely, will be presented. The event will be conducted digitally with participants from Sweden and other parts of the world.
During the first week of September, the final symposium of the project will take place. There are plans to split the event between Borås and Gothenburg and broadcast it digitally.
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UN Global Goals: MuseIT links in particular to Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) 10 on reducing inequalities, SDG 1 on reducing poverty, which extends beyond economic poverty, and SDG 5 on gender equality, among others.
MuseIT is funded by EU Horizon Europe
A previous project linked to inclusion and coordinated by the University of Borås is the SUITCEYES project. The University of Borås also leads INCLUDE – Centre for Inclusive Studies.
Read more about the EU project MuseIT
Partners – MuseIT
- University of Borås (HB) – Coordinator
- CataLink Limited (CTL) [CY]
- Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) [GR]
- EXUS Software Monoprosopi Etairia Periorismenis Evthinis (EXUS) [GR]
- ShareMusic & Performing Arts (SHMU) [SE]
- Michael Culture Association (MCA) [BE]
- Actronika SAS (ACTRO) [FR]
- Ministero Della Cultura (MIC) [IT]
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen/ Ddept. DANS (KNAW-DANS) [NL]
- Stanford University (SU) [US]
- King's College London (KCL) [UK]
- X System (XS) [UK]
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