How to apply for a job with us
This webpage provides you with information on how to apply for positions at the University of Borås, what documents to include with your application, and how the recruitment process works. It is important to note that you must register an account in our recruitment system to apply for a position at the University of Borås.
To apply for a position at the University of Borås, you must register an account in our recruitment system. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is completed and submitted by 23:59 on the closing date.
Application guide
Register an account
To start the application process, you need to register an account in ReachMee for the University of Borås. Click on Sign in or Sign up above the list of ads on Job vacancies and follow the instructions. An account gives you an overview of your applications and allows you to reuse information you have previously registered.
You can also register for an account by clicking on Apply in the ad.
Sign in
In the ad, click on Apply. Sign in by entering your email address and password. You fill in an application form, answer questions, and attach supporting documents.
If you have forgotten your password, click on Get a new password at Sign in. An email with instructions on how to change your password will be sent to your email address.
Answer questions and attach documents
After signing in, you will reach the application form for the position for which you intend to apply. At the top is the title of the job.
Be sure to answer mandatory questions and attach mandatory documents, both marked with an asterisk (*). An application can only be registered once the mandatory questions and documents have been answered and attached.
Attachments should preferably be in PDF format, but can be in any of the following file formats: doc, docx, rtf, jpg, gif. Each file may be a maximum of 30 MB.
Register/submit your application
To submit your application, you need to agree to your personal data’s being recorded and processed for recruitment purposes and then select Register. If you have forgotten to fill in a compulsory question, it will be marked as This field is required. Fill in the missing information and select Register.
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive confirmation of this at the top of the webpage, “Thank you for your application,” and a confirmation email is sent to your email address.
View or make changes to your application
You can edit your application until the application deadline, after which it will be locked and cannot be edited.
Sign in to Reach Mee on the Job vacancies webpage
Who can access my information?
The information you provide will be available to HR and recruiters within the organisation and, where appropriate, to external expert reviewers.
The University of Borås is a government agency, which is why applications submitted to the agency become official (public) documents when they are sent to us. In accordance with the principle of public access to official documents, official documents may be disclosed upon request in cases where no provision of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act is applicable. Applications received are kept for two years after the recruitment process is completed. This is in accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s collected statutes (RA-FS 2004:1, § 2).
For those who have a protected identity
If you have a protected identity, please contact HR for instructions on how to apply. HR has telephone hours every weekday at 08:30-11:30 and can be reached by phone at +46 (0)33-435 43 00. If you prefer to email us, please do so at
You should be careful about the information you provide in your application. Include only information relevant to the position in question.
Documents to attach to your application
For applicants for teaching positions
When applying for a position, you must normally attach the following documentation. Depending on the position, the content of the application may change. The exact documents that need to be attached will be specified when you log in to ReachMee to submit your application. Always indicate the reference number and the position to which your application relates.
- Cover sheet/personal letter indicating the position and subject applied for
- CV: overview list of education and work experience in chronological order
- Educational qualifications in accordance with the University of Borås template. Download the portfolio
- Degree certificates
- If applicable, publication list and/or list of works within the artistic subject area
- Required number of copies of specially noted scientific/artistic publications, documented artistic works and pedagogical works
- Any other relevant certificates/grades/documentation
Contact HR at before the application deadline if you have scientific publications that cannot be attached electronically directly in the application.
Other positions
When applying for a position, you must attach the following documentation. Depending on the position, the content of the application may change. The exact documents that need to be attached will be specified when you log in to ReachMee to submit your application. Always indicate the reference number and the position to which your application relates.
- CV: overview list of education and work experience in chronological order
- Personal letter
- Certificates/grades/diplomas
Applications for Academic Promotion and Docentship
Specific instructions for this can be found on Applications for Academic Promotion including Docentship
Selection process
Once the application deadline has passed, we will review all the applications we have received. We then select a number of people to interview. The selection will be based on the requirements stated in the advertisement. If you are one of the people we want to meet for an interview, we will contact you. After the interview, we will contact one or more of the references you have listed. Additional in-depth interviews or tests may also be conducted.
At the University of Borås, there are many different types of employment and the recruitment process may therefore vary depending on the type of employment.
When you apply for a teaching position
The recruitment process for teaching posts follows the same principles as for other types of posts but the process is slightly different and takes longer, as it often includes external expert opinions and preparation by recruitment committees.
According to the University of Borås’s appointments procedure, teaching positions include professor (incl. guest, associate, adjunct and adjunct associate), senior lecturer (incl. associate and adjunct) and university lecturer (incl. adjunct). The specific rules, qualifications, and assessment criteria for each category of teaching position are set out in the university’s appointments procedure.
We will notify you
Decisions on employment are announced on the University of Borås notice board in stairwell T6 (Balder building). All applicants will also be notified of the decision, either personally or by email.
In some cases, it is possible to appeal a decision regarding a government authority’s employment decision. The right to appeal lies with the person to whom the decision is addressed, i.e. the person who applied for the job.
Read about appeals of employment decisions.
Your application will be stored for two years
Your application documents will be kept for two years after the recruitment process is completed. This is in accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s collected statutes (RA-FS 2004:1, § 2).
You can easily subscribe to the vacancies by clicking on the “Subscribe” button on Job vacancies and registering your email address.
If you need help or have questions about the recruitment system, contact