Alumni networks

Nurturing and building your network can be beneficial to your career, but there may be other benefits as well. Just as you could get help from your fellow students while you were studying at university, you can still have a lot in common when it comes to work life. By having continued contact with your fellow students and teachers from your study time, you can exchange professional experiences and gain new perspectives on any thoughts. The Alumni Network can also be a good arena for finding new collaboration partners and also a path to knowledge development.

Networks on LinkedIn

There are several different alumni groups on LinkedIn. There is a general one to which all alumni at the university are welcome to apply for membership. There is also a general alumni group for the Swedish School of Textiles. Keep in mind that it needs to be visible on your profile on LinkedIn that you have studied at the university. In addition, there are smaller groups for e.g. mechanical and energy engineers.

Do you want help creating an alumni group for your educational programme? Send an email to