Experience a 3D fashion show in VR

The goal is to create and visualize clothing designs digitally and explore ways to present these designs in virtual reality (VR).


Learning CLO3D: The initial phase involved familiarizing with CLO3D through tutorials, understanding its features like creating 2D and 3D sketches, sewing garments digitally, adding accessories, and simulating garment movement.
Design Development: The next step was to develop 3D clothing designs and render visually appealing videos to represent these designs.
VR Integration: The project then focused on exporting designs from CLO3D and importing them into the VR world, ensuring the designs retained their integrity. This involved solving technical challenges related to the transition between platforms.


The project successfully developed and animated 3D clothing designs, which were then showcased in a VR environment. This allowed for an interactive and immersive presentation of the designs, accessible both in-person during the Exit program and online for a broader audience. The research aimed to make these digital designs available to regular users worldwide.

Project details

Title: Experience a 3D fashion show in VR

Year: 2022

Author: Shafin Afrid

Course/Programme: Field Study, Masters programme in Textile Management

Supervisor: Jenny Balkow, Marianne Louwerse

Technology: VR, Clo3D