Eye tracking project together with Didriksons

The purpose of the study is to get answers to a number of questions that are linked to functions that are available on the website in order to facilitate a purchase for the customer. Getting answers to these questions will benefit the company in future work around the website. The expected result from the tasks and vision will contribute to getting a picture of the extent to which it is worth spending resources on this.

The company has developed a new website. What was updated on the website were, among other things, new filtering functions, which means that there are category pages depending on what you are looking for. The company has launched a "compare" function on the website in order to compare the functionality of products. Furthermore, a movie clip has been added as part of the design on the website. The purpose of the movie clip is to bring the website to life and convey the feeling and message that Didriksons stands for. Update and improvement work has also been carried out on the payment and delivery side, where the company wanted to make it easier for the customer to make a purchase.

For the study, eye tracking-equipment was used and with the help of approximately 30 respondents of different ages, we were able to follow and analyse what attracts participants’ attention on the website. The participants also had to answer a shorter interview both before and after the test, partly to find out if they belong to the target group and partly to supplement with answers after the test. The results were compiled and analysed and our results and recommendations were discussed with the company.

Project details

Title: Eye tracking - Didriksons

Year: 2022

Authors: Marijana Jovic and Mirela Zejnilovic

Course/Programme: Field study, Master Programme in Digital Business Management

Researcher/Supervisor: Daniel Hjelmgren

Case company: Didriksons

Technology: Eye tracking on screen