Screen-based eye tracking study for an improved customer experience

Purpose and result

By analysing each participant's experiment and asking questions about their experience on the website, we were able to provide Swegmark of Sweden several potential improvement suggestions to enhance the customer experience.


In this study, we have employed both qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis to achieve the best possible results. By studying the gaze patterns of participants on the website and analysing them through gaze plots and heat maps, we can quantify behavioural patterns that are complemented by a qualitative interview study. Conducting individual personal interviews provided us with the opportunity to gather rich information about the website and the customer experience, allowing for more detailed conclusions.

Project details

Title: Screen-based eye tracking study for an improved customer experience

Year: 2023

Authors: Alia Andreasson and Malin Schröder

Course/Programme: Field study, Master programme in Digital Business Management

Supervisor: Daniel Hjelmgren and Marianne Louwerse

Case company: Swegmark of Sweden

Technology: Eye tracking on screen