Through the eyes of the shopper

Three methods were evaluated: on-screen eye tracking, on-screen eye tracking combined with the "thinking out loud" (TOL) method, and the TOL method alone. A total of 21 experiments were conducted, with each method having seven unique participants. The findings provided insights into participants' navigation behaviour, visual attention patterns, decision-making strategies, and subjective experiences.

The findings indicated that combining eye tracking and the TOL method provided the most comprehensive understanding of the customer journey. It captured participants' visual attention, cognitive processes, decision-making strategies, and subjective experiences. Eye tracking and the TOL method complemented each other by capturing both objective and subjective aspects.

This study highlights the significance of user experience, website design, and the balance between information and visual appeal in online shopping. It informs about what companies can learn from performing eye-tracking studies and using TOL methods as well as offering practical recommendations for companies on how to perform marketing research and thereby enhance the customer journey and improve their online platforms.

Project details

Title: Through the Eyes of the Shopper

Tagline: Exploring the Customer Journey in an Online Clothing Store with Eye Tracking and the ‘’Thinking Out Loud’’ method

Year: 2023

Author: Noel Göransson

Course/Programme: Field Study in textile management, Master Programme in Fashion Management and Marketing

Supervisor: Jenny Balkow and Marianne Louwerse

Technology: Eye tracking on screen