How CLO3d can revolutionize the traditional product development process

To create change and begin the work to achieve the global sustainability goals, it is therefore critical for companies to adopt a more sustainable operating model, including modernizing and improving the product development process. The field study examines how CLO3D can enable this, how it works in practice, in what ways it improves the process and why companies should integrate this into their operations.

Today, few companies primarily use CLO3d as a tool for product development, which is due to the knowledge, resources and costs required for companies to have the opportunity to learn to master the software, but also for companies to be able to use the software in a way that is also more sustainable in practice from both an environmental and financial perspective.

Observations, field notes, literature studies and interviews have been the primary methods used to collect material for the study. Observations have been used primarily for learning and deepening the software, where field notes have been used as support to more effectively note the lessons learned during the study. Literature studies have been used to deepen the current situation, how CLO3d is applied in today's industry and what benefits it can bring if implemented. The interview was conducted in a semi-structured format, and contributed new insights, perspectives and a deeper understanding of what has been studied, how it has and can be used in practice and what advantages and disadvantages it entails.

The study concludes that CLO3d is a tool that brings benefits in almost all aspects of the product development process. It can be applied and used in all stages, from start to finish, and makes the process more time-efficient, more flexible, less costly and has less impact on the environment. In addition to the practical aspects of developing new garments, the software can be used for marketing purposes, where digital showrooms can be a possible way to market yourself to both retailers and customers.

Studying and working with CLO3d together with Digital Business Lab has been an incredibly educational and fun process that has given me insights into the fashion industry and how it can be improved and developed in the future. Working in CLO3d, learning how to master this and how it works in practice will be something I will carry with me going forward and will be a tool that I will carry with me to future work opportunities. For those of you who also feel that it would have been interesting to carry out a study in the same area, there are so many more opportunities and aspects to explore, everything from creating digital showrooms and using it for product development purposes, to working with virtual fitting rooms and how companies can apply this in their e-commerce trade.

Project details

Title: How CLO3d can revolutionize the traditional product development process

Year: 2025

Author: Agnes Bengtsson

Course: Field study

Programme: Bachelor Programme in Textile Management, with specialization in Fashion and Retail

Supervisor: Marianne Louwerse

Technology: Clo3D - Bodyscanner