Call for research funding: Current challenges in working life
The Centre for Welfare Studies is a research centre that seeks to contribute to societal development by analysing the challenges of the welfare society. CVS research is university-wide, interdisciplinary, and takes place in collaboration with external actors. Working life research is the framework for CVS's work. In particular, questions about changes in Swedish welfare with regard to governance, management, and organisation are studied.
Currently, CVS is pleased to announce a call for funding for two research projects and a planning grant on the theme of the current challenges of working life. CVS is looking for concrete project proposals with the aim of promoting a sustainable and inclusive working life with good working conditions. These objectives are linked to Forte's (Research Council for Work, Welfare and Health) strategic agenda for the national research program on working life, which aims to stimulate working life research in a direction so that current societal challenges in the field of working life can be met (see further: Strategic research agenda for working life research - Forte).
With this call, CVS wishes to give whomever carries out the project a significant opportunity to design the layout and research questions themselves, while the project proposals must clearly be in line with one or more of the call's current themes. The project proposals that CVS will finance are thus to deal with the work of welfare organisations in adapting conditions for the "green transition" or "demographic changes" related to age, geography, and migration. Concrete projects can touch one of the following themes:
1) Depopulation, "green transition," and re-industrialisation in rural areas. Here, CVS would like to see studies of how private actors collaborate with public activities (municipal and/or regional) to develop local strategies for site development related to a sustainable working life. Concrete cases of industrial investments in relation to public strategies and various "costs" and "benefits" when it comes to welfare are particularly of interest here.
2) Analyses of concrete cases relating to welfare's skills supply where the focus is on how welfare organisations work for "sustainable labour force participation" so that entry into working life can take place earlier and exit later, and that underrepresented groups are better included in a future working life.
3) Studies of already existing organisational models within welfare and developing new ones for an extended working life. Here, CVS would like to see analyses of the particular challenges that exist in terms of structural discrimination with reference to age, gender and ethnicity/"racialisation."
Research support
Terms and conditions and who can apply?
The research grant is intended to for the performance of a limited analysis or research task and comprises SEK 500,000, including overhead costs. The sum is used for salary costs (incl. overhead costs) and overhead associated with the study (e.g. field studies, language editing, etc.). CVS research support does not pay for premises costs. Normally, the support must not lead to a reduction in the applicant's time for professional development.
A condition for receiving research support is that the project includes collaboration outside the own research environment, such as between different Faculties and centres at the University of Borås, collaboration with another university, or with an external welfare actor. CVS's wishes are that each project, in addition to popular science publications, results in at least one peer-reviewed journal publication.
During the time the project is ongoing, it will be discussed at the CVS research workshops, which are there to support the ongoing projects within the centre. The results of the project will also be presented to the CVS steering group and/or within the framework of the open seminar series The socially sustainable welfare society.
Applicants who receive research support must report the project's results and implementation in writing and briefly to CVS. This is done when the project is complete and via a form provided by CVS.
Form of the application
The application for research support may be a maximum of 9,000 characters (incl. spaces).
The application is to describe the project’s purpose and research questions, implementation, and general budget, how results will be presented (e.g. journal publication, conference, public speeches), short area overview, societal relevance, partners.
To the application, a summary of the project is to be attached (maximum number of characters: 1,000 incl. spaces), and a page consisting of the project leader's CV (max. 2,000 characters incl. spaces) where the project leader’s credentials and five main publications are indicated.
Planning grant
Terms and conditions and who can apply?
The purpose of the planning grant is to enable time for researchers at the University of Borås to prepare an application for external research funds that is to be sent to at least two funders. The grant covers SEK 125,000 (including overhead costs) and is given for writing complete applications (not for so-called outline applications). CVS planning grants do not cover premises costs. Normally, the support must not lead to a reduction in the applicant's time for professional development.
A condition for receiving a planning grant is that the proposed project includes collaboration outside the own research environment, such as between different Faculties and centres at the University of Borås, collaboration with another university or external welfare actor.
A further condition is that granted external funds are placed at CVS. In this way, competencies and current research analyses are gathered within CVS. Researchers who receive planning grants must – as far as possible – participate in CVS researcher workshops, which constitute a supportive forum for the work on the application. In addition, applicants are encouraged to turn to the Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) for tips and advice in the application process.
As a first choice, CVS also wants the research funder to provide full financing. If this is not the case, the matter is to be discussed with the Director of CVS and opportunities for co-financing are to be explored.
The fact that CVS is now announcing a planning grant in the area of The current challenges of working life means that we strongly encourage applying for funds from Forte and that the applicant especially considers future calls for proposals to promote good working conditions.
Applicants who receive planning grants must, after the research funders have informed them of their decisions, report this in writing to CVS. This is to be done via a special form provided by CVS.
Planning grant applications are to be one page long (max. 4,500 characters incl. spaces) as well as a summary (max. 1,000 characters incl. spaces).
The application should briefly describe the project: Purpose, implementation, societal relevance, the research group's competencies, intended research funders (with an explanation of relevance to the application's focus and purpose), and a schedule for when the applications are to be submitted. An additional page with the project leader's CV (max. 2,000 characters incl. spaces) should be attached to the application.
Timetable and assessment
The application, summary, and CV are to be combined into a PDF file and submitted no later than 26 September to Swedish personal identification numbers are not to be provided.
Applications for research support and planning grants are both assessed by the CVS steering group. Decisions about who has been awarded research support and planning grants are made at the steering group meeting on 6 October.
The funds must be used as soon as possible after a decision has been received, but no later than 31 June 2024.
In order to be granted funds, the application is to be relevant in relation to CVS’s areas of activity and call’s particular themes. In addition, the application is assessed based on the project's scientific quality and social relevance, clarity and how external partners benefit the research, see further:
Assessment criteria for CVS grants – University of Borås (
Applications that do not follow the specified instructions will not be assessed.