Call for CVS research funding 2025
The project should be within one of CVS's three focus areas and should include university-wide collaboration or collaboration with external actors.
Open call for proposals
The Centre for Welfare Studies is a research centre that seeks to contribute to societal development by analysing and problematising the challenges of the welfare society. The research conducted sheds light on issues of the welfare society's change with regard to governance, management, and organisation. The analyses are interdisciplinary and are conducted in collaboration with external actors. In order to promote this work, CVS annually announces a call for proposals. The purpose of the grants given as part of this call is to enable researchers to perform a limited research task within the framework of any of CVS's three focus areas (see below).
Terms and conditions and who can apply?
The research support, which can be applied for by those who hold a doctorate and who are employed at the University of Borås, is intended to support a well-defined analysis or research task. The research grant includes 750,000 SEK, including overhead (OH) costs. The sum can be used for salary costs (including OH-costs) and costs related to the execution of the project (e.g. ethical review, field studies, conference fees, language editing, etc.).
CVS's grants do not pay for premises costs and the grant must not normally lead to a reduction in the applicant's time for professional development.
The project is to analyse management, organisation, leadership in welfare and empirically focus on one of CVS’s three focus areas:
- Cross-sectoral collaboration
- Skills supply in welfare
- The challenges and opportunities of digitalisation
Read more about CVS focus areas
Additional conditions:
- The project should accommodate collaboration outside the original research environment, i.e. between different Faculties/centres/platforms at the University of Borås, or collaboration with another higher education institution or external welfare organisation.
- The research project will begin, and the funds will be used, as soon as possible after a decision has been received and will end no later than 30 June 2026.
- During the time that the project is ongoing, analyses will be presented and discussed at CVS research workshops that are intended to build up a strong research environment and thus support the projects that are ongoing within the centre.
- Each project that receives a grant must result in at least two peer-reviewed journal publications, in addition to popular science dissemination.
- The results of the project will be presented to the CVS steering group and/or within the framework of the open seminar series The socially sustainable welfare society.
- Projects receiving funds are to, after implementation, use a special form, provided by CVS, for a brief accounting of project implementation and results.
- Employees with ongoing research support or who have not reported previous projects cannot apply for new funding.
- Members of CVS’s steering group cannot apply for research funding.
Applications will be assessed by the CVS Steering Group. To be granted funding, the project must be relevant in relation to CVS’s area of activity and CVS focus areas. In addition, the application is assessed based on the scientific quality and societal relevance of the project, the clarity of the problem formulation and how external partners will be used and benefit the research.
Read more about CVS assessment criteria (in Swedish)
Decisions on who has been awarded a grant will be made at the CVS steering group meeting on 25 April.
Form of the application
The application is to describe the project’s purpose and research questions, implementation, and general budget, how results will be presented (e.g. journal publication, conference, public speeches), short area overview, societal relevance, partners.
Please note that the application should clearly describe how the project is relevant in relation to CVS’s area of activity and how it relates to CVS focus areas.
The application includes a maximum number of characters: 8500 incl. spaces. Mark your application with the reference number FO2025/13.
The application is to be accompanied by the following:
- a summary of the project (max. number of characters: 1000 incl. spaces)
- CV of the project leader where the Swedish personal identification number should not be included (max. number of characters: 2000 incl. spaces)
- a list of the project leader’s five main publications relevant to the project.
Summary, application, and project leader's CV (including list of publications) are to be merged into a PDF file and submitted to, no later than 11 April.
Applications that do not follow the specified instructions will not be assessed.