On this page you find information about events arranged by INCLUDE.
Upcoming events
Open seminar: From Co-Design to Generative AI - Towards Inclusive Access to Cultural Engagements through MuseIT
Date: 2025-02-24
Time: 14:00—16:00
Place: Online via Zoom
Welcome to this seminar, where we will briefly inform about the INCLUDE centre and then present ongoing research conducted within the EU-funded project MuseIT.
The seminar is aimed at researchers and others interested in inclusion and application of cutting edge technologies for broader accessibility of cultural assets.
14:00–14:10 INCLUDE - Centre for Inclusive Studies - brief overview (Nasrine Olson, Veronica Johansson Sydqvist)
14:10–15:10 MuseIT
14:10–14:15 Introduction MuseIT (Nasrine Olson)
14:15–14:25 Multimodal content transfer for new digital library services (Sándor Darányi)
14:25–14:40 HaptiVerse and haptic streaming over distance (Nasrine Olson, Thomas van Erven)
14:40–14:50 Dataverse and multi-layered data repository (Vyacheslav Tykhonov)
14:50–15:00 Multisensory transformations (First results of the CUBE-MT multimodal transformations (Albert Merono Penuela, Nitisha Jain)
15:00–15:10 Concept drift (First results of the semantic drift annotations of the GALE/Trifecta datasets (Albert Merono Penuela, Nitisha Jain)
15:10–15:20 Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs, and Music generation process (Stelios Kontogiannis)
Previous events
Haptics for Inclusion, 6–7 November 2023
Borås, Sweden
Join us at the “Haptics for Inclusion” symposium, which includes Knowledge Exchange sessions and a Discovery Den, to present your research, exchange insights, network with peers, showcase your own prototypes, engage with haptic technologies developed by others, experience multisensory artistic installations, and together explore the potential for future collaborations towards shaping a more inclusive world.
Towards Access for All, 17 October 2022
Borås , Sweden
MuseIT started with a Symposium: Towards Access for All - Inclusion through Multisensory Interactions on 17 October at University of Borås