6 search results
European federation of Critical Care Nursing association and the critical care Doctoral European Nursing group (EfCCNa/DEN)
The EfCCNa is committed to advancing the art and science of critical care nursing across the European countries to bring together nurses across Europe engaged in critical care research.
Nordic Association for Intensive Care Nursing Research (NOFI)
Networking and visibility of Nordic intensive care nursing research are among the goals in the network’s statutes.
PICTA - PreHospital ICT Arena
The arena is run by Lindholmen Science Park in cooperation with some 30 organizations in healthcare services, industry and academy. The aim is to remove the obstacles that prevent IT and eHealth from being utilized and developed to their full potential in, for example, ambulance medical care.
The Collaborative Network for Climate Change in Religious Education (CORE)
Ongoing climate change is one of the most pressing global and local issues of our time. Yet the voice of religious education, with its emphasis on ethics, emotional health and hope, is often missing from public debates and interdisciplinary research publications.
The network for nurses with a PhD in intensive care
The network for nurses with a PhD in intensive care is a freestanding network within the National Association for Anaesthesia and Intensive and critical care (AnIva).