CelluTex Cellulose-based textile
Start date: 2014-06-02
End date: 2016-06-02
The aim of the this platform is to position the Swedish area of excellence “Cellulose based textiles” on the European level so that the needs identified for research, development, innovation, and demonstration in the field of regenerated cellulosic fibers will be represented in upcoming work programs of Horizon 2020. The needs have been jointly identified by the CelluTex partners during the autumn and winter of 2013.
This was done in conjunction with the establishment of the platform through the support from VINNOVA, and is summarized by: From Tree to Textile and Textile to Textile. Sweden has got promising prospects to further develop a sustainable production of cellulose based textiles. CelluTex is a cross disciplinary consortium, based on actors from classic, as well as new Swedish areas of excellence; forest, textile and recycling, representing academia, public activities, and industry. Several of the partners have very good experience in collaborating with the European Commission, and are now ready to initiate influencing activities to position the Swedish area of excellence “Cellulose based textiles” on the European level.
Project Leader
Vincent Nierstrasz
033-435 4159