Forest fabrics

Forest fabrics

We want to utilize Swedish wood in making yarn. This will be done through cross-border projects, w here the future solutions for new techniques, new raw materials and new business models will be developed. We bring experience and results from previous projects within Bio Innovation, “Tillverkning av kortfiber” and ENTIS W P7.The ambition with this project is to take the next step in developing Swedish paper textiles for fashion, interior and technical applications.

The project covers 4 areas:

  1. Functionalization
    Results from previous projects are analysed to see how they can be scaled up. Focus on softness and durability.
  2. Twisting
    The main task in this work package is to refine the functionalized paper into yarn with textile features in a commercial context.
  3. Product
    In this work package the properties of yarn and textiles will be verified, suitable applications identified and prototypes produced.
  4. Feasibility
    A number of business cases w ill be analysed from a market perspective to examine feasibility.


Together with the academy, industry, institutes and politics we create results with groundbreaking innovations for sustainable solutions and social benefits.