Registration for MuseIT Final Event 2–3 September

Please help us with the arrangements by registering as soon as possible. Participations is free of charge but registration is mandatory.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Due to the integration of live demonstrations and cultural activities in the programme, the primary mode of attendance is on-location and in person to ensure an immersive and interactive experience. However, for those who are unable to attend in person and require remote access, a partial hybrid option will be available.

Please indicate whether you require this hybrid option by selecting the relevant choice below.

Refreshments including coffee, tea, and assorted snacks (fika), will be provided during the breaks. Own arrangements are made for lunch at any of the multiple restaurants in the vicinity.

The symposium will be recorded and selected sections will be published on public platforms for broader dissemination.

Processing of personal data

We require your consent to process the information you provide about yourself in the form. The data in the form will be stored and used for purposes directly linked to the event on the 2–3 of September.

I am also aware that there can be photography during the event and have no objections to this.[NO1] 

The University of Borås is the entity responsible for the data processing, which is based on Article 6.1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (consent). It is entirely voluntary to give consent, and you may withdraw a given consent at any time until the event.

Read more about how the University of Borås processes your data and what rights you have: Privacy policy