ST-133 Soft, weight-bearing materials for implants in the human body
Start date: 2011-03-03
End date: 2012-04-01
Ortoma AB is presently developing a concept which enables individually adjusted orthopaedic implants and treatment methods in orthopaedic care. Ortoma’s method is substantially less invasive than today’s treatments and the implant is adjusted to each patient, which is expected to shorten the convalescence period and reduce post-surgical complications. The Ortoma concept covers a whole system in the form of software, patient-adjusted discs and surgical tools that facilitate the insertion of implants.
In the project, Ortoma AB along with Smart Textiles in Borås and the Orthopaedic Section at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, intends to develop an artificial disc which can replicate the behaviour of a natural disc and identify the material and production methods that might be suitable for producing such a prosthetic disc.
The project is a part of Smart Textiles
Link to ST-133 Soft, weight-bearing materials for implants in the human body