Strengthening women’s representation in senior textile positions

Strengthening women’s representation in senior textile positions

The project starts on November 1, 2023 and ends on April 30, 2026. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ action KA220 - ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education.

Specific objectives and expected outcomes

The project has the following specific objectives:

  • Offer women and educators a training package focused on managerial skills for the textile sector.
  • Provide a toolset of green practices for a sustainable textile ecosystem.
  • Organize Ideathons to prepare women for labour integration.
  • Empower and motivate women to take over managerial positions.
  • Create channels of communication between women, SME managers, and owners.
  • Offer women transnational training & connect them in an EU scale.
  • Create a structured dissemination strategy to reach the target groups.

The following outcomes are expected from the project:

  • Be A Manager Platform: Modules on managerial skills, practical activities, and self-assessment quizzes for learners to check their progression.
  • WomenThinkGreenToolset: A tool with factsheets on the environmental impact of the textile industry, information sheets on green practices, case studies of women-led companies in the textile Industry, and work-based scenarios.
  • Ideathons to foster the entrepreneurial skills of women and empower them to pursue success.


  • Markeut skills sociedad limitada, Spain
  • Lottozero società cooperativa sociale, Italy
  • Chambre Officielle de Commerce d'Espagne en Belgique et au Luxembourg, Belgium

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Link to Strengthening women’s representation in senior textile positions

News about the project