Be A Manager

The project aims to empower young and adult women by enhancing their skills and knowledge, enabling them to assume managerial and leadership roles in the textile industry. Read more about the project.

We are currently looking for individuals to participate in piloting some key parts of our new "Be A Manager" e-learning platform. If you are interested, please fill out the form below.


Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

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We need your consent to process the information you provide about yourself in the form. The information will be processed by those responsible for the event in order to plan and administer the event and communicate with you. The data will be stored within the EU/EEA and will be deleted after the event. The University of Borås is the entity responsible for the data processing, which is based on Article 6.1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (consent). It is entirely voluntary to give consent, and you may withdraw a given consent at any time.

Read more about how the University of Borås processes your data and what rights you have.