Start date: 2023-10-01
End date: 2025-11-30
A key application is the treatment of phantom pain with Phantom Motor Execution (PME), where EMG signals from the remaining muscles in the amputation stump are used to control a Virtual Reality (VR) representation of the lost arm or leg. However, textile electrodes can still be improved regarding contact and adherence to the skin. This requires the development of new electrode materials that may need to be integrated into the electrode-carrying textile in new ways.
The purpose of this project is to a) develop new electrode materials that can improve electrode contact and adherence to the skin, and b) find ways to integrate the new electrode materials into a textile solution. The project will focus on how new materials can contribute to the desired properties (signal quality and adherence) and develop textile solutions for how the new materials can be made useful in applications of skin-derived EMG.
The main project deliverable is generic textile matrices of electrodes that can be viable alternatives to traditional electrodes in relevant applications. This can help make, for instance, the treatment of phantom pain more generally available and easier to use since improved signal quality from the electrodes increases the conditions for a better treatment effect, duration, and sustainability. The idea of controlling a VR representation of a lost arm or hand using EMG from the remaining muscles (central in the treatment of phantom pain based on PME) is directly transferable to myoelectric controlled prostheses. Therefore, we also aim to test how the new electrode materials can be utilized in textile electrode matrices and made useful also for this "twin" application.

A related research project is NeuRehab@home – A Smart Textile Platform for neuromuscular rehabilitation in the home environment.
Read more about NeuRehab@home
Project Leader
Leif Sandsjö
Senior Lecturer
033-435 4630