Training Programme for European Maritime Security Personnel - METPROM
Start date: 2012-11-01
End date: 2014-12-31
The EU, based upon the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), issued a number of regulations/recommendations aimed at considerably improving maritime security. These are documented in the International Treaty for the Safety of Lives at Sea (SOLAS), and the International. Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (Regulation XI-2/3, 2004 and EU Regulation (EC) 725/2004. The ISPS Code contains detailed security-related requirements for governments, port authorities and shipping companies. It is intended to enable better monitoring of freight flows, to combat smuggling and to respond adequately to the threat of terrorist attacks. Today, many port facilities have to be ISPS-compliant, a process which is inextricably linked to the establishment and maintenance of certain standards for the organization of their security. Many security aspects were thus improved, such as electronic/architectural measures, but the most important aspect, the organizational/operational part of security, received little attention. Besides, in many European countries, maritime private security guards are somehow put “outside” of the scope of national private security legislation, which CoESS believes to be an alarming trend that could result in a dramatic lowering of the training standards of private security staff in ISPS-compliant (and EU Regulation (EC) 725/2004 compliant) areas.
The main aim is to transfer the innovation already developed for the maritime security training and simulation based modules, in order to fill the security gaps created as the result of increased complex operational activities in ports which are vital for the timely conduct of shipping that more than 90 % of the world trade depend on.
The second aim is to bring EU wide standards to the port security procedures through standardized and harmonized training programmes in partner countries. In order to fulfil these aims, following objectives will be achieved: Skilled trainers operating in all EU Member States, Trained port security personnel operating at ISPS-compliant port facilities, Uniformity in EU port security and Enhanced port security standards.
The main tangible outcome is a new course in port security with novel simulation-based modules that will focus on the implementation of game-based technology and 3D models and adaptation of an e-learning platform with assessment facilities.
Link to Training Programme for European Maritime Security Personnel - METPROM
Project Leader
Daniel Ekwall
033-435 4657