

A close collaboration between different disciplines here at the University of Borås is a unique opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research. The research team in biotechnology have taken advantage of this opportunity in the form of several research and development projects. 

The biotechnology research group February, 2014

Back row from left: Päivi Ylitervo, doctoral student, Hamidreza Barghi, doctoral student, Kristina Laurila, Research Engineer, Tomas Brandberg, Senior Lecturer, Alex Osagie, doctoral student, Mostafa Jabbari, Kamran Rousta, doctoral student, Elisabeth Feuk Lagerstedt, Senior Lecturer, Patrik Lennartsson, Senior Lecturer, Johan Westman, doctoral student, Jorge Ferreira, doctoral student, Jhosane Pagés Díaz, doctoral student, Ramkumar Nair, doctoral student, Karthik Rajendran, doctoral student.

Front row from left: Regina Jijoho Patinvoh, doctoral student, Hendrawati Wibowo, doctoral student, Rachma Wikandari, Mofoluwake Ishola, doctoral student, Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh, Maryam Mohseni Kabir, doctoral student, Supansa Youngsukkasem, Postdoctoral, Solmaz Aslanzadeh, doctoral student,  Ilona Sárvári Horváth, Senior Lecturer.
Photo: Solveig Klug


Ongoing projects

Concluded projects

Researchers/University employees
