Language and Literature Didactics (SPLITT)
The research is practice-oriented and interdisciplinary. Together, the members of this research group have extensive experience in different theoretical and methodological perspectives as well as different types of data collection methods and analysis models. SPLITT has established collaborations with professional teachers at different educational stages, from pre-school to university, as well as with researchers at the University of Borås and other higher education institutions in Sweden and internationally.
The main strength of SPLITT is that its researchers work together on language and literature didactics issues within the research group, but also within the university, in both national and international arenas.
Main themes of the research group
- Literature/literature didactics (e.g.: post-colonial literature; fiction in education; spatial aspects of literature; intersections of literature didactics in Swedish, English, and Swedish as a Second Language).
- Language/language didactics (e.g.: writing-reading-democracy; language, literacy, and writing development; reading and writing in the digital classroom/in the mother tongue, in a second language, and in a foreign language; Nordic languages; subject literacy; language, identity, and culture; the expanded concept of text, multimodality)
Research group leader
Carina Hermansson
033-435 4375