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The UN organisation International Trade Centre (ITC) has planned a visit, accompanied by 35 delegates from six countries, to Borås and Sweden. The purpose of the visit is to gain ins...

It is difficult to make e-hand stores profitable. The new ReLoRe project will investigate the logistical success factors and challenges the industry is experiencing in order to share best...

A new project at the Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, aims to educate women and increase the number of women in leadership positions within the textile industry. With more women in...

Circular business models are often promoted as the solution to an unsustainable fashion industry. An important nut to crack is how these models can be scaled up – something that re...

A Nordic interregional collaboration is now commencing to demonstrate how workwear companies can prepare, and adapt their global value chains to the upcoming EU regulations on circular economy.

Currently, it is estimated that only one percent of world’s textile waste is recycled into new textiles. Now these conditions can be improved, thanks to a new research project coordin...

From collaborations between individual companies, universities, or organisations to entire textile ecosystems. The hope is that the Swedish and Finnish circular textile ecosys...

Several of the university's researchers have once again been included in a prestigious international ranking of the most cited researchers in the world. This list was drawn up by researchers at Stanford ...

When countries neighboring the EU prepare to become trading partners, the Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, is a support in the process. Rudrajeet Pal...

The growing mountain of clothing waste must be dealt with – and urgently. Researchers, policy makers, businesses and industry, and society are now coming together to solve the chal...

What is the most suitable place for production and how do you get the most sustainable supply chain? What factors influence these decisions? These are questions ...

What would you do if your manager values the rigidity of the instruction manual over innovation? Maybe you’d just grin and bear it, or maybe you'd move 4500 miles away and become a professor? For Rudrajeet Pal, the ...

With a number of national and international projects in textile management, and recognised as an expert by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the World Ban...

A growing number of manufacturers are adopting innovative approaches towards circularity and sustainability in personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturing. This ha...