Anita Pettersson
Docent Associate Professor
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology
I am responsible for the Combustion and Thermal Processes research group within the research area of Resource Recovery. I also teach and am a senior researcher. I teach primarily in our three international Master's programmes in Resource Recovery and am the coordinator for these programmes until the turn of the year 2022/2023. I also teach in our Energy Engineering programme. Further, I coordinate an international double degree programme, ME3+, which is EU-funded and in which the University of Borås, IMT-Atlantic in France, and BME in Hungary, Bolzano and Trento in Italy run a joint programme.
When it comes to my own research, my primary focus has always been on municipal sewage sludge and how best to thermally treat it to recover its high levels of phosphorus. The driving force for treating municipal sewage sludge is to avoid its release directly into fields as it contains not only phosphorus but also PFAS, microplastics, dioxins, cadmium, etc., which then end up in our food or watercourses and can do great harm. I also perform research on the thermal treatment of various biomass forms and side streams from agriculture, material recycling such as zinc from ash, waste incineration and ash handling, classification, and reprocessing of ash and char with added nitrogen to obtain a new fertilizer product. In addition, I supervise doctoral and Master's students in related projects.
I have worked at the University of Borås since 2008. Before that, I studied Electric Power and Heat (the forerunner of the Energy Engineering Programme) at the University of Borås and defended my thesis within Combustion Technology at Chalmers University of Technology in collaboration with the University of Borås in October 2008.
There is no "waste" only resources; we just have to find the right uses or processes make them a part of the circular society! We belong to the Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery!
Principal Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Shahin Shamim
Doctoral Student
033-435 4279

Naeimeh Vali
033-435 4247

Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Characterisation of Fuels and Fly Ashes from Co-Combustion of Biofuels and Waste Fuels in a Fluidised Bed Boiler - A Phosphorus and Alkali Perspective