Behnaz Baghaei
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Textile Technology
Program coordinator
— Textilingenjörsutbildningen
I work as senior lecturer in textile materials technology. My research targets development of bio-based composites. I have worked at the University of Borås since 2011. I hold a PhD resource recovery-polymer technology at University of Borås (2015).
Presently, I am enrolled in the research project Recycling of end-of-life textile materials by fabrication of all-cellulose composites project financed by Formas.
Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Ida Ljungberg
Doctoral Student
033-435 4367

Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Development of thermoplastic biocomposites based on aligned hybrid yarns for fast composite manufacturing