Björn Ekström

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Swedish School of Library and Information Science

Telephone: 033-435 4377


Room number: D410

Signature: BJEK

I work at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS). I explore human and nonhuman engagement with information in scholarly conduct, in scholars' relations with nonscholars and/or in environmental settings. I focus on situated interaction of information and how this interaction is relationally tied to large-scale phenomena. In my studies, I combine practice theory approaches with qualitative and digital methods.

Past research projects include studies of information practices in voluntary species monitoring, configurations of (dis/mis)information about sustainability energy initiatives in dominant information infrastructures and big data approaches for monitoring research and innovation performance.

Latest publications

Ongoing projects

Concluded projects


Research groups