Claude Huniade
Research Assistant
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Textile Technology
As a doctoral student in the research field of textile material technology, my research is focused on non-metallic electroconductive textile fibres for signal transmission and actuation. I develop characterisation methods and sustainable coating processes for these fibres, allying chemistry and mechanics.
My background is initially in mechanical engineering and production science with a degree from the Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Tarbes, finished in 2015. I then obtained a textile engineer's degree (2018) from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT) in technical textiles. There, I specialised in smart textiles as well as in protection and comfort applications. Before starting working at the University of Borås in 2019, I had previously spent spring 2017 studying here as an exchange student.
I am part of the research group Polymeric E-textiles and currently active in the research project WEAFING, part of Horizon 2020 funded by the EU, which deals with the integration of electroactive textiles in garments.

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Electronically conductive fibres are already in use in smart textiles, but in a recently published research article ionically conductive fibres have proven to be of increasing interest. The so cal...