Dennis Beach

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Department of Educational Work

Telephone: 033-435 4243


Room number: B608

Signature: DBE

My research interests attach to 

1. The transformation of Nordic countries from well developed welfare states with emphatic systems for the delivery of public goods and services on an equal basis to welfare societies and its implications and consequences in relation to education. 

2. A new educational discourse attached to the importance of creativity in education.

3. Youth and social exclusion: identity, learning and territorial stigmatization. The emergence of  post-industrial society and the great diversity of youth and childhood life-conditions (including different conditions for education and  learning) this carries with it.


Member of the Regional Research Ethical Evaluation Board Deputy Editor of Education and Ethnography Journal Member of the NUT Scientific Advisory Board

Doctoral thesis title

Making Sense of the Problems of Change: An Ethnographic Study of a Teacher Education Reform. (Göteborg Studies in Educational Research 100, 1995)

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