Lars Hedegård
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Business Administration and Textile Management
Program coordinator
— Kandidatprogram i textilt management, inriktning mode och handel
Lars defended his doctoral thesis Performing second-hand retail: organizing the material re-circulation of goods 2023, on the subject of textile management. His main research interests concern second-hand retail, material recycling, and sustainability. He is part of two research groups at the University of Borås: The Retail Research Group and Textile Value Chain Management. In his ethnographically inspired Ph.D. project, Lars followed how second-hand shops at the ReTuna recycling mall in Eskilstuna worked to transform donated second-hand goods into attractive second-hand products. Previously, Lars has also worked with other initiatives to achieve more sustainable fashion consumption, such as charity, rental of clothes, and certification/labeling. The general questions that Lars works from are: how do initiatives to make the fashion industry more sustainable work, who and what is included in the initiatives, and how is sustainability created in these initiatives? Lars mainly works with the theoretical perspectives of Actor-Network Theory and Practice Theory.
Lars has been employed at the University of Borås and has worked with education and administration at the Swedish School of Textiles since 2009 in various roles, including Director of Studies and Programme Coordinator. Since 2017, Lars has been the program director for the Bachelor's Programme in Textile Management, specializing in fashion and retail.
Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Josefine Nyström
Doctoral Student
033-435 4351