Maria Lindh

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Swedish School of Library and Information Science

Telephone: 033-435 5905


Room number: C534

Signature: MLI

I am a social science researcher based at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås, Sweden. As a researcher, I am engaged in theoretical and empirical studies associated with the implementation, use and legitimation of information technologies (IT) and their applications in organisations and society. In my research, I apply a social constructionist perspective, in which language use is an essential part. My research interests are broadly related to the intersection of:

  • Information management within organisations,
  • Organisational studies and more specifically
  • Social studies of information technologies.

IT professionals and researchers are well aware that the introduction of new IT will affect organizations in a variety of ways, including organization’s work processes and structures. Nevertheless, there is often an unproblematized view of IT as either neutral tools or a powerful force for change that can facilitate and render processes more effective. For instance, new IT, such as cloud computing, is often presented as a transformative force with great potential, which can create unreasonable expectations on new technologies as problem solvers. In my doctoral thesis – Cloudy talks – Exploring accounts about Cloud Computing (2017) – I discuss the legitimization of public cloud services in the Swedish school. The investigation started when this new technology was spurred and successively implemented, between 2011 and 2016. Through rhetoric language and metaphors, I have studied how cloud computing has been described in this context, and found that it is explained from a very simplistic point of view; either explained as a technology that is easy to use and one that will satisfy all organisational needs, or as revolutionary game changers.

Consequently, these ways to simplify the understanding of cloud computing and its applications in organisations impedes an informed discussion about the complexity that emerges; both in relation to its implementation and use within organizations and in society at large. My perspective is that technology is intertwined with social structures and therefore has essential social implications that are important to investigate.


Editor of the academic journal Human IT, published by University of Borås.

Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)

Doctoral thesis title

In the clouds - implications for information management in organisations

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