Niina Hernández
Senior Lecturer Head of Department Deputy Dean of Faculty Assistant Dean of Faculty
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Textile Technology
I am a researcher in the field of textile technology with the focus on garment fit, evaluated by numbers, virtual simulation and in reality.
I have worked at University of Borås since 2011 as a manager and teacher of the program Design Technicians alongside my PhD studies. Previously I worked with product development and production of women’s clothing. I have a high interest in the systems used for facilitating the product development and production, which was great when I worked at one of the leading CAD/CAM suppliers. I have also worked with made to measure software and system set up to make mass customisation possible. The academic career I started with a Batchelor degree in teaching and textile, from there I worked on my Licentiate dissertation and defended that in 2000 at Gothenburg University. Focus was then garment fit for individuals with disfigurements affecting the fit. Title of the licentiate is Tailoring the unique figure.
At the moment I am active in ongoing projects; wearITmed, funded by the Stiftelsen för Strategisk forskning (SSF) as well as Digimode, a Vinnova funded project. Digimode is a continuum from the project from Roll to Bag which was funded by the European Commission (EC). I am also an active member of SIIR where we form projects in collaboration with companies.
Within my PhD I was researching how to evaluate garment fit with the help of virtual fitting, this in relation to the real garment fit.
Licentiate thesis
Tailoring the unique figure (external link)
Doctoral thesis