Nuhi Bajqinca
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Department of Educational Work
Nuhi Bajqinca is a Doctor of Philosophy in social sciences with a specialization in educational science. He did his doctorate at the University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science. Currently, he works as a Senior lecturer in social science in the didactics in the socially oriented subjects and course supervisor for the degree work in teacher education at the Department of Educational Work at the University of Borås, Sweden.
The research area
The research area mainly includes policy analysis of national political discourses regarding multilingualism and diversity in official school policy governing documents within the Swedish school system focusing on implications of the Swedish State’s politics and social changes from a historical perspective from the 1950s onwards. The research area deals concretely with the critical discourse analysis of political ambitions of the Swedish nation-state in this matter and how, and to some extent, why they have changed over time.
Member of the research network MERGU, on migration and ethnicity (Migration and Ethnicity Research) University of Gothenburg.
The research network MERGU
In the media
Life as a doctoral student, interview at the University of Gothenburg webpage
Interview in Radio Television of Kosovo, 2019-07-10