Sara Larsson Fällman
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Work Life and Social Welfare
Since autumn 2015 I have been a doctoral student at KTH - School of Technology and Health. My research area is Leading and organizing for sustainable health and work ability during organizational redesign of health care. I am part of a research team led by Professor Lotta Dellve at KTH and the University of Borås. The research team included scientists and doctoral students from the Royal Institute of Technology, University of Borås, Jönköping University and Karolinska Institutet.
I am a district nurse and I have since 2011 worked at the University of Borås as a teacher. During this time I have had the opportunity to work with booth of my favourite topics; leadership and organization in healthcare and health promotion and preventive care. The last two years I have been coordinator in, Health Care Administration, flexible learning, where I have had the possibility to work with one of my goals in life: to do studies in higher education possible to all people.