Stefan Cronholm

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Department of Information Technology

Telephone: 033-435 5936


Room number: L418

Signature: SCO

Stefan Cronholm is a professor in information systems (informatics). He specializes in AI and management, design science research, digital work environments, design and evaluation of information systems, requirement specification, information systems development methods, digitalization of retail, IT Service Management, qualitative research approaches, and lifelong learning.

Stefan Cronholm has published more than 150 scientific papers. He is the head of the Research Group InnovationLab and the research area Business and IT. Besides doing research, Stefan Cronholm is engaged in research and undergraduate education programs as a supervisor and lecturer. He has supervised more than 200 master's and bachelor's theses and developed a vast range of pedagogical material.


2013, The research project "Efficient IT Service Management" rewarded as the best IT Service Management project. 2010, Best Theoretical Paper Award, "The Need for Systems Development Capacity in Design Science Research, presented at 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, Australia. 2005, Best paper award, Nine Principles for Designing a Study Program. Presented at Information Systems Education Conference (ISECON), Columbus, Ohio, USA.


  • Research Leader for InnovationLab
  • Research Leader for Business and IT
  • Scientific Leader for the Department of Information Technology
  • Member of the board for the Department of Information Technology
  • Member of the Swedish Information Systems Academy

Doctoral thesis title

Method Tools and Usability

Ongoing research projects

Concluded research projects


Research groups