Vincent Nierstrasz
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Textile Technology
Vincent Nierstrasz is a professor in Textile Materials Technology at the Swedish School of Textiles at the University of Borås since November 2011.
Prof. dr. ir. Nierstrasz was previously appointed at Ghent University in Belgium as senior researcher and Marie Curie fellow and at the University of Twente in The Netherlands as assistant professor. He holds a PhD degree from Delft University of Technology, and a MSc degree from Wageningen Agricultural University.
His research focuses on in surface modification and surface functionalisation of textile materials for production functional and smart textiles (via e.g. catalysis, biocatalysis, coating, printing, 3D printing, inkjet), textile and polymer biotechnology. An important research domain of the research group Textile Materials Technology is resource effective processing. An example is the Erasmus Mundus program SMDTex (Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles), which has a focus on resource effective production of smart and functional textiles and the Crosstexnet project DigiFun.
He was involved in several European (Crosstexnet, FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020), nationally and industrially funded projects.
Vice President for AUTEX, Association of Universities for Textiles.
Member of the FWO Review College (Flanders, Belgium), 2025–2027.
Honorary assignments
Foreign member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW).
Prinicipal supervisor for the following previous doctoral students who have now received their doctorates
- Tuser Biswas
- Tove Agnhage (SMDTex)
- Prisca Eutionnat (SMDTex)
- Melkie Getnet Tadesse (SMDTex)
- Razieh Hashemi Sanatgar (SMDTex)
- Sweta Iyer (SMDTex)
- May Kahoush (SMDTex)
- Veronica Malm
- Mohammed Neaz Morshed (SMDTex)
- Sina Seipel
- Molla Tadesse Abate (SMDTex)
Principal Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Shamima Sarker
Doctoral Student
033-435 4714

Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students

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Concluded projects
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