Robin Andersson Malmros
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Police Work
— Department of Distance Police Education
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Faculty of Police Work
— Department of Distance Police Education
Noer, C., Fjellman, A. M., Sivenbring, J., Bjørgo, T., Solhjell, R., Magnæs, I., Haugstvedt, H., Carlsson, Y., Andersson Malmros, R., Public Perceptions of CVE Policies and Attitudes Towards Reporting Concerns of Radicalization in the Nordic Countries 2023
Christensen, T. W., Lindekilde, L., Sivenbring, J., Bjørgo, T., Magnæs Gjelsvik, I., Solhjell, R., Haugstvedt, H., Andersson Malmros, R., Kangasniem, M., Kallio, H., “Being a Risk” or “Being at Risk”: Factors Shaping Negotiation of Concerns of Radicalization within Multiagency Collaboration in the Nordic Countries 2023
Article in journal
Andersson Malmros, R., Sivenbring, J., Multi-agency approaches to countering radicalisation 2023
Chapter in book
Kotonen, T., Andersson Malmros, R., Sivenbring, J., Bundgård Christensen, C., Karcher, N., Lööw, H., Leena, M., Mattsson, C., Ravik Jupskås, A., Ritola, V., Daniel, S., Silvennoinen, O., “When neo-Nazis march on Norwegian streets, you hear a lot of Swedish”: Pan-Nordic and transnational dimensions of right-wing extremism 2023
Andersson Malmros, R., Sivenbring, J., Local rationalisations of radicalisation 2023
Chapter in book