Photo library

Download images by clicking on the file name under each picture. If you are having problems downloading pictures, or searching for a picture that is not included, contact Marc Hermansson, press contact.


Mats Tinnsten

Mats Tinnsten, professor
Photo: Suss Wilén

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Kim Bolton


Kim Bolton, professor
Photo: Suss Wilén

Head of Professional Services

Anna Cregård

Anna Cregård
Photo: Anna Sigge

Chairperson of the The governing board

Anna Nilsson-Ehle

Contact for press image.

Deans of Faculty

Tobias Richards

Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business
Photo: Suss Wilén
Tobias Richards

Katarina Karlsson

Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare

Contact for press image.

Åsa Söderlind

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT

Contact for press image.

Stina Sundling

Faculty of Police Work
Photo: Suss Wilén
Stina Sundling

Director of Communications

Ann-Christin Andreasson

Foto: Suss Wilén
Ann-Christin Andreasson

For pictures of professors, researchers and other staff of University of Borås, please contact or press contact Marc Hermansson.