Internationalisation and internationalisation back home
Internationalisation for a university is about being an active actor a global community where knowledge is growing and to integrate that in its own quality processes. It is about creating the opportunities for staff, researchers, teachers, and students to participate in international contexts and experiences. The faculty management has set out the following objectives for internationalisation in the strategic plan for 2022 in addition to the university wide objectives and strategies.
To increase internationalisation, for instance through projects and partnerships for exchange and educational development.
To recruit international junior and senior researchers, including guest professors, and to increase international collaborations with education and research partners with relevant profiles.
These are further developed in individual department action plans.
The group for internationalisation at the faculty is coordinated by the strategic adviser international affairs and consists of: Ramón Garrote, IPA; Josefin Lindell-Sjögren, IPA, Peter Rittgen, IT; Elena Maceviciute, BoI.
Policy documents
- University of Borås Policy for internationalisation
- University of Borås Objectives and strategies for internationalisation
- Vision, mål och strategi för forskning och utbildning vid Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och it (Swedish document, faculty vision, objectives and strategies for research and education)
- Faculty strategic plan
- Action plan based on the strategic plan is being developed
Working with internationalisation
- staffInternational possibilities for
- Project development and processes (always inform the strategic advisor when applying)
- Students' possibilities
- International projects at the faculty
- Capacity building for intercultural competence
We who work specifically for the faculty’s internationalisation are:
- Veronica Trépagny, Strategic adviser, international affairs
- Tove Pousette, International coordinator