
When booking connecting trips to and from flights/trains, you can book these through the university's travel agency Egencia. They book under the same agreement. You can book other trips directly with Flygtaxi.

Book a taxi

Contact Flygtaxi to book and cancel taxis as well as if a booked taxi does not arrive. Flygtaxi, however, does not have its own cars but rather uses subcontractors.

It may be useful to know that Flygtaxis’s main supplier in the majority of locations is the company Sverigetaxi. However, you should never contact Sverigetaxi directly if questions arise; rather, you should always directly contact Flygtaxi.


To book a taxi you need to have a profile at Flygtaxi. A profile is created by HR Payroll. Send an email to to get a profile registered. Include the mobile phone number you would like to be registered on your profile.


Phone: 010-140 77 77. You are to identify yourself with the mobile phone number that is registered in your profile.

Webpage: Go to and sign in with your signature and password.

App: Download the Flygtaxi app and sign in with your signature and password.

Complaints: Email


Taxi travel is billed to the university. You pay nothing to the taxi driver.